Strengthening connections, financial access in Vermont through COVID-19

As the pandemic began escalating in early 2020, the Welcoming Network mobilized in communities from Vermont to Texas to meet the pressing and often overlooked needs of immigrant and refugee communities. Through our Resilient Rapid Response Initiative, see how our members rose to the occasion and responded to community needs in this “Resilient Responders” blog…

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Mobilizing immigrant mothers in Georgia to sew masks, spread facts

As the pandemic began escalating in early 2020, the Welcoming Network mobilized in communities from Vermont to Texas to meet the pressing and often overlooked needs of immigrant and refugee communities. Through our Resilient Rapid Response Initiative, see how our members rose to the occasion and responded to community needs in this “Resilient Responders” blog…

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Exploring immigrant and grassroots entrepreneurship with GigRoots podcast

Recently, Welcoming America and its members participated in a podcast series with GigRoots. Hosted by Ethan Daly, who by day is the U.S. Regional Director of Partners Worldwide and based in Grand Rapids, MI, the GigRoots podcast is part of an “online marketplace and community bringing together entrepreneurs from all different cultures and backgrounds to sell…

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How we created home together for Welcoming Week 2020

This year, as many of us social distanced to protect our communities, Welcoming Week was more important than ever. Under the theme of “Creating Home Together”, Welcoming Week inspired communities to consider what makes a home and how, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the definition of home has changed for many people. At…

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How Communities of Practice Foster Thoughtful Engagement, Collaboration, and Welcoming

Authored by Thought Partnerships As part of Welcoming Week, we invited partners to share how they’re creating home together during a pandemic. Thought Partnerships is a nonprofit initiative dedicated to advancing non-violent, just, and inclusive societies. Thought Partnerships is a formal partner of Welcoming Week 2020. Thought Partnerships (TP) joins millions around the world who are finding new…

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Welcoming Week celebrates movement of inclusion by “Creating Home Together”

Press Release: Atlanta, GA — From September 12-20, Welcoming America, a national nonprofit organization, will lead the annual celebration of Welcoming Week events happening around the world under the theme of “Creating Home Together.” Due to the pandemic, Welcoming Week—which typically takes place through in-person events around the world—will mostly shift to virtual programming. Under…

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Together, we can counter a pattern of exclusion

At Welcoming America, our core belief is that the strongest communities are ones where all people—no matter where they’re from—take part in economic, civic, and social life. Communities that are truly welcoming foster a culture and policy environment that make it possible for everyone, including immigrants and refugees, to feel valued and participate fully without…

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Create home with us during Welcoming Week 2020

What does home mean to you? In this pandemic, we may be redefining where home is, what makes us feel at home, or how to make home a more inclusive and equal place for all. That is why our theme for this year’s Welcoming Week is “Creating Home Together”. Through virtual spaces and digital sharing,…

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Liz Cedillo-Pereira joins Network Leadership Committee

Welcoming America is pleased to welcome Mary Elizbeth (Liz) Cedillo-Pereira as the newest member of our Network Leadership Committee. Liz Cedillo-Pereira is currently the Chief of Equity and Inclusion for the City of Dallas, TX. She previously served as the Director of the Office of Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs (WCIA) where she oversaw the…

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