Welcoming Refugees

Welcoming America creates resources for local organizations and communities that are working to foster greater community support and understanding for refugees.

The webinars and toolkits below represent a wide range of topics, including: community sponsorship, refugee leadership, communication and resettlement strategies, and housing.

Additionally, Welcoming America is thrilled to participate in the Welcoming Refugees project as part of Students Rebuild, a program that invites students to learn about the world and empathize with others through art. Learn more


Community Sponsorship of Refugees: Methods and Examples

Community sponsorship provides an avenue for individuals, groups, and organizations to participate in the resettlement of refugees. This webinar will explore the various community sponsorship models and provide resources for communities wanting to take part in supporting refugee families.

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Tips to Build and Sustain a Locally Welcoming Infrastructure

Welcoming America and a cadre of partners created this guide for municipal leaders looking to welcome Afghans and create sustainable infrastructure to support their wellbeing. It offers four key tips to create an equitable and welcoming environment.

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Resettlement Strategies: Learning from National Example and Local Actors

Presented by Welcoming America and Boston University, this two-part webinar provides a broad understanding of how the resettlement system works in the United States, how it differs from other systems, and what challenges it has undergone over the past three years.

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Reframing Refugees: Messaging Toolkit

Developed in partnership with the Lightbox Collective, this toolkit is intended as a communications resource for individuals working in organizations that serve refugees and the broader community. It provides tips and recommendations on ways to deliver strong messages that encourage leaders to act in support of refugees in their communities.

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Engaging Public Sector Stakeholders to Prepare for Welcoming More Refugees

As refugee service providers prepare for an increase in arrivals, it is important to reactivate public-sector relationships and explore concrete partnerships that can help meet your local goals. This webinar gives you key strategies on this timely topic, whether you are looking to engage public schools, public health departments, or other public actors. Presented by Switchboard.

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Stand Together: Messaging About Muslims and Refugees in Challenging Time

This guide was created for advocates, service providers, and inclusion practitioners as a tool to address backlash toward refugees and Muslim Americans, and to help you proactively engage with community leaders and neighbors.

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New Homes for New Refugees: A Template for Creating a Welcoming Landlord Network in Your Community

This webinar brought together key organizers of the City of Pittsburgh’s “Renting to Refugees” initiative to discuss how they executed the effort and how similar organizations can potentially implement a similar strategy in your own community.

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Welcoming Refugees in Rural Communities: Promising Examples from the Field

While there are many positive examples across the country of refugee welcome in rural communities, this tool explores four groundbreaking community-based initiatives that are engaging, supporting, and welcoming refugees in rural areas. In this toolkit, we highlight how different types of community actors are working together to create more vibrant communities for all.

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Interested in more resources? Visit our resource library.