Statement on recent mass shootings and asylum policies

Like many across the U.S., we are devastated by the news of yet another mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Just 10 days after the shootings in a Buffalo, New York grocery store, church in Laguna Woods, California, and at the two year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, we remain committed to a more abundant, safe,…

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Statement on Uniting for Ukraine

Yesterday, President Biden announced Uniting for Ukraine, an entry program for people from Ukraine seeking refuge in the United States on a temporary basis known as humanitarian parole. It requires the help of a sponsor in the United States to provide initial financial and other support for basic needs. While we welcome news that people…

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A message on Ukraine and welcoming

Dear welcomers, Our thoughts today are with the people of Ukraine, and all those whose lives are uprooted because of the ever- present forces in our world that believe that domination — rather than democracy — is the path forward. As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors from Europe, and as the spouse of a survivor…

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Staff, leadership changes at Welcoming America

David Lubell — Welcoming America’s founder, inaugural executive director, and founding director of our Welcoming International initiative —  is leaving the organization after 12 years. His last day is October 8. Almost two decades ago, David established the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition in Nashville to bring immigrant communities together to develop a unified…

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Statement on Chauvin verdict

Today’s decision in the Derek Chauvin trial is a long-awaited one for the family of George Floyd, as well as communities everywhere seeking justice in the ongoing struggle against systemic racism. At the same time, this verdict is just the first of many steps needed to build a truly just and welcoming society. This verdict…

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New cookbook offers recipes, resources on strengthening community across differences

As world-renowned chef Josė Andrės once said, food has the power to evoke memories, bring people together, and transport you to other places. We eat for sustenance, but also to experience community and a sense of belonging by dining together. This universal sentiment is captured in Taste of Belonging: A Collection of Recipes and Ways…

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NPNA and Welcoming America Applaud Reestablishment of the Task Force on New Americans

Washington DC – President Joe Biden today fulfilled a key campaign promise by re-establishing the Task Force on New Americans, a cross-agency effort to coordinate and advance the proactive inclusion of immigrants into the fabric of American society. Renewal of the Task Force following four years of federal inaction on immigrant inclusion is another signal…

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Charting a new path forward

Today is a bright day for American democracy. As millions of people, including new Americans, cast their ballots, worked polling stations, or helped their neighbors navigate the voting process—all during a pandemic—we reaffirmed the importance of the democratic process, one in which everyone has a stake.  We also witnessed one of the most diverse elections,…

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Together, we can counter a pattern of exclusion

At Welcoming America, our core belief is that the strongest communities are ones where all people—no matter where they’re from—take part in economic, civic, and social life. Communities that are truly welcoming foster a culture and policy environment that make it possible for everyone, including immigrants and refugees, to feel valued and participate fully without…

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A new home for Welcoming America swag

The Welcoming America online store has reopened on Shopify! From T-shirts to magnets, the new store offers the same swag items from our previous store, with some additions reflecting recent campaigns and initiatives. Visit Store Shipping is also more streamlined, with more options on shipping times, no minimums on quantity, and international shipping. With each purchase,…

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