NPNA and Welcoming America Applaud Reestablishment of the Task Force on New Americans

Washington DC – President Joe Biden today fulfilled a key campaign promise by re-establishing the Task Force on New Americans, a cross-agency effort to coordinate and advance the proactive inclusion of immigrants into the fabric of American society. Renewal of the Task Force following four years of federal inaction on immigrant inclusion is another signal…

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Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations

The Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations Checklist is designed to help strengthen existing emergency preparedness plans by ensuring immigrants and refugees are part of any emergency response. History demonstrates that residents of color are disproportionately impacted by disasters. In the Great Floods of 1927, over 330,000 African Americans were…

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New board of directors are leaders in civil rights, tech consulting, performing arts

Welcoming America is pleased to announce the newest members to its board of directors: Deborah Richardson is Executive Director of the ACLU of Colorado in Denver, which works to protect, defend and extend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Colorado. Previously, Deborah served in leadership roles at the Women’s Funding Network, Atlanta Women’s Foundation,…

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Announcing the latest cohort of the Gateways for Growth Challenge

The Gateways for Growth Challenge announces its fourth cohort, forming a network of 71 localities deploying economic research and multi-sector welcoming plans to forward inclusion and economic opportunity for all. DECATUR, GA & NEW YORK, NY – Today, New American Economy (NAE) and Welcoming America are pleased to announce that 19 localities will receive a…

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Social Cohesion Series: Engaging Local Leaders to Foster Welcoming Communities

This is the third in a series of articles on social cohesion that explores what Welcoming America and other national- and local-level thought leaders and practitioners have learned about engaging long-term members of receiving communities in order to advance immigrant inclusion and build stronger, more cohesive communities. “Engaging Local Leaders to Foster Welcoming Communities” focuses…

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Rachel Peric on the This is Civity podcast

Rachel Peric, executive director of Welcoming America, is interviewed in this podcast “This Is Civity” to discuss the importance of inclusion in communities, and how government and business leaders can lead the way in taking specific actions to make immigrants feel more welcome. Listen here

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Welcoming communities are resilient communities

After 10 years of leading immigrant inclusion work, we know that welcoming communities are also resilient communities. Resilient communities succeed in the face of change. In an era of unprecedented migration and climate change, local leaders are often at the forefront – developing and innovating solutions that help their cities and towns not only respond…

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Welcoming America Urges Congress to Pass the Dream Act Now

Welcoming America calls upon our nation’s leaders to stand in fervent support of the Dream Act, and uphold our commitment to the values that are the bedrock of American democracy. Strong leaders in the 21st century recognize that to be American should never be defined by race, religion or country of origin, but by the…

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One Region Initiative: Regional Strategic Welcoming Plan, Phase I

As part of the One Region Initiative, this strategic welcoming plan outlines Phase I of creating an inclusive metro Atlanta region that includes immigrants and refugees. In partnership with the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Atlanta Regional Commission, the plan serves as a roadmap for the initiative’s steering committee and Welcoming America leadership…

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Reframing Refugees: Messaging Toolkit

Developed in partnership with the Lightbox Collective, this toolkit is intended as a communications resource for individuals working in organizations that serve refugees and the broader community. It provides tips and recommendations on ways to deliver strong messages that encourage leaders to act in support of refugees in their communities. This toolkit was developed under…

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