Cómo Establecer y Mantener la Gestión Inclusiva de Emergencias con las Poblaciones de Inmigrantes y Refugiades

“La Lista de Verificación para la Gestión Inclusiva de Emergencias con las Poblaciones de Inmigrantes y Refugiades” — creada en colaboración con el Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management — tiene como objetivo contribuir al fortalecimiento de los planes de preparación para emergencias existentes.  Para ello, se asegurará que les inmigrantes y refugiades…

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Structural Othering & Belonging (Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series)

This is the final video of the Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series. Judy Heumann, a prominent disability rights activist who was featured in the Netflix documentary “Crip Camp”, shares her lessons on belonging as a person living with disabilities and how society’s structures can both “other” and foster belonging, in this conversation with Rachel…

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Interpersonal Othering & Belonging (Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series)

This is the second of three videos in the Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series. John Sarrouf of the organization Essential Partners asks: Why does belonging matter? How do we as bridge builders create spaces of real belonging? Sarrouf shares possible solutions through trust-building, shared conversations, and examinations of our individual complexities. This training series…

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Belonging as an antidote to othering (Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series)

This is the first of three videos in the series, Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally. john a. powell, Director of the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, provides an overview of the concepts of othering and belonging, including examples of how we fail to see others as fully human. Through these examples, powell encourages…

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Emerson YMCA, Our Lady of Guadalupe School help kids through pandemic, shared effort

In 2020, Welcoming America and its members worked in eight cities to bridge diverse communities and foster a deeper sense of belonging for local residents, including immigrants. This story is part of the Belonging Begins With Us campaign, which was funded in part by the Walmart Foundation.  Where do we find healing during troubled times?…

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A safe space: New and established Louisville residents talk preconceptions, build connections (and houses)

Louisville skyline at sunset

In 2020, Welcoming America and its members worked in eight cities to bridge diverse communities and foster a deeper sense of belonging for local residents, including immigrants. This story is part of the Belonging Begins With Us campaign, which was funded in part by the Walmart Foundation. With a good job as a hotel manager,…

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New Homes for New Refugees: A Template for Creating a Welcoming Landlord Network in Your Community

This webinar brought together key organizers of the City of Pittsburgh’s “Renting to Refugees” initiative to discuss how they executed the effort and how similar organizations can potentially implement a similar strategy in your own community. Topics of discussion will include convening cross-sector stakeholders to increase the reach of your initiative, maximizing the effectiveness of…

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Creating a new home, deeper belonging together in Maine

In 2020, Welcoming America and its members worked in eight cities to bridge diverse communities and foster a deeper sense of belonging for local residents, including immigrants. This story is part of the Belonging Begins With Us campaign, which was funded in part by the Walmart Foundation.  Zoe Sahloul was seven years old when war…

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Creating the table: Using food to foster belonging during Welcoming Week

The Nashville Food Project, a Welcoming Network member, works to bring people together to grow, cook, and share nourishing food. Check out how they plan on celebrating #WelcomingWeek2021 using the recently published Taste of Belonging cookbook.  As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, we must consider how to heal and connect with one another…

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