Drop-In Immigration Law Clinics/Clínica de consejo legal de inmigración sin cita previa

Receive free in-person counsel from an immigration attorney. First come, first served; limited appointments available. / Reciba asesoramiento gratuito en persona de un abogado de inmigración. Por orden de llegada; atenderemos a los clientes en el orden en que lleguen. North Fair Oaks: Sept. 17 / 17 de septiembre 10am-1pm Half Moon Bay: Sept. 18 / 18 de septiembre 10am-3pm

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Know Your Rights/Conozca Sus Derechos

As part of Welcoming Week 2022, we will be offering virtual Know Your Rights workshops (in English & Spanish) on the County of San Mateo’s Facebook page on September 13 at 5pm.

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Supporting immigrant and refugee students

Welcoming new students especially international students into our community, is critical as they bring culture, vibrancy. economy and various contributions so we all strive. Welcome BG’s event will provide credible resources for teachers from K-12 and beyond on how to support immigrant and refugee students in their school and classes.  

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Welcoming Week Invitation: Learn about Municipal ID & Spanish Driving Laws Course & U Visas

Arkansas United (AU) is an organization committed to fulfilling the economic potential of Arkansas through bridge building among immigrants, public officials, and service providers. Since 2015, Arkansas United has been proud to participate in national “Welcoming Week.” In a week-long celebration of immigrants and refugees, “organizations and communities bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to…

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Virtual Small Business Information Sessions for Immigrants & Refugees

The Denver Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (“DOIRA”) is hosting small business information sessions for immigrant and refugee residents during Welcoming Week. These virtual, hour-long sessions will take place on Tuesday, September 13 and Wednesday, September 14 from 5pm-6pm. Interested individuals can register here: https://bit.ly/3C0Yis3 The sessions will explain SB21-199 and how this legislation…

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Bellevue Welcomes All at Mini-City Hall

Join us for Welcoming Week and learn about how Mini City Hall offers a place where you belong and provides access to critical services. Mini City Hall has been serving the Bellevue community for more than 25 years. Mini City Hall has several partnerships that provide in-person services to assist a variety of different needs,…

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Above & Beyond the Work of Welcome: Celebrating LIRS Staff

LIRS was on the front lines of the resettlement effort following the fall of the Afghan government to the Taliban, helping nearly 14,000 Afghans build their new lives in the United States. Essential to this work of welcome was our LIRS Northern Virginia office, who has done extraordinary work in resettling more than 1,400 Afghans.…

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IWC Empowers Immigrants through ELL

Join us to learn more about our immigrant neighbors here in Indianapolis. We will also highlight our ELL program and ways to get involved.

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