A Decade of Offshore Detention – #Candle4Nauru

To mark the decade anniversary of the first asylum seekers being sent to Nauru on 14 September 2012, we are asking people take a photo of a lit candle with written messages calling for an end to offshore detention. The composition of the photo is up to you. You can include yourself holding the candle…

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Let’s Chalk in Welcoming Week

Everyone welcome to take part in a chalk art mural to create messages of welcome and support for our local migrant and overseas students community.

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Rural Australians for Refugees National Conference

Rural Australians for Refugees’ 2022 Conference, Connecting for Change, hosted by the Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group, is the biennial Conference for RAR groups, refugees and refugee advocates. (postponed from 2020).  The Conference is an opportunity for RAR groups to come together with refugees, refugee advocates and supporters, to build our movement for change and…

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Thank You and Farewell 100 Drayton Street!

For the past nine years, through the generosity of countless supporters and partners, the Welcoming Centre has been able to call 100 Drayton Street, Bowden: home. However, the building has now been sold and our existing lease expires at the end of this year. The Welcoming Centre will continue to create a safe, supportive, and…

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Screening of “Simple as Water”

Join us to watch the 2021 documentary “Simple as Water,” which tells the story of four Syrian families in the aftermath of war.

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Whanganui Welcome

On Friday 16th September from 10am-12pm the Whanganui Welcoming Communities group and Multicultural Council of Whanganui / Rangitīkei are holding a Welcoming Week morning tea at Mint Café. This is for anyone new to Whanganui, along with their friends and family, to come along and meet other newcomers and locals and ask questions in a…

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Home Ground Live! –A Welcoming Week Poetic Dance and Music Performance

“Home Ground Live,” a Welcoming Week event, is a one-day performance that extends the “Home Ground” interactive exhibit, which is on display August 12th through September 25th, 2022 at the VALA Art Center. “Home Ground Live!” is a poetic dance and music performance that takes place on the Buoyant Stage in Downtown Park in Redmond,…

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Welcoming Week Issaquah

Come together for a free, family-friendly event to celebrate the cultural diversity of our community in honor of Welcoming America Week. Festivities include music, world dances, informational booths and food trucks. Wearing traditional dress is encouraged. Everyone is welcome! Stop by one of the informational booths to meet community partners, non-profit organizations and various City…

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What It Means to Welcome: Refugee Perspectives on the Way Forward

Welcoming Week is an opportunity for organizations and communities across the country to bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity. Join Refugee Congress, Refugee Council USA, and the Refugee Storytellers Collective for perspectives on what it means to be…

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Welcoming Festival

Welcoming Festival Sunday, September 18, 2022, 1pm-4pm at Market Square Park in downtown Blacksburg. A celebration featuring entertainment, food, vendors and family fun! In case of severe weather the event might be canceled. Please check our website updates.

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