Harnessing Volunteer Energy to Support and Welcome Refugees in your Community: Five Tips for Success

Learn some of the best practices in engaging, supporting, and managing volunteers to help welcome refugees in your community. Tips around volunteer outreach, designing options for volunteer engagement, volunteer onboarding, and keeping volunteers energized are included.  This toolkit also shares field spotlights from a number of refugee-serving organizations that are successfully utilizing volunteers in new…

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Welcoming Economies Playbook: Strategies for Building an Inclusive Local Community

Many communities recognize that refugee and other immigrant residents, in addition to being valued neighbors and civic leaders, represent economic growth as new homeowners, taxpayers, business owners, workers, and consumers. At the same time, like many other residents, new Americans can encounter challenges along the way that prevent them from using these talents. The Welcoming…

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Welcoming Week Postcards

Our multilingual Welcoming Week Postcards are a fun and easy way to show community support for everyone, including immigrants and refugees, and lift up our shared values. Download the postcards in 8 different languages: Arabic Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian English French German Slovenian Spanish Turkish

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Building Welcoming Schools: A Guide for K-12 Educators and After-School Providers

Arriving in a new country can be an overwhelming experience for refugees. One of the first places that refugee and immigrant families have the opportunity connect with others is in schools. Ensuring refugee and immigrant students and their families feel welcome and accepted in their school environments is not only foundational for their academic success,…

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One Region Initiative: Regional Strategic Welcoming Plan, Phase I

As part of the One Region Initiative, this strategic welcoming plan outlines Phase I of creating an inclusive metro Atlanta region that includes immigrants and refugees. In partnership with the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Atlanta Regional Commission, the plan serves as a roadmap for the initiative’s steering committee and Welcoming America leadership…

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The Welcoming Standard and Certified Welcoming

Strong communities intentionally connect and actively include people of all backgrounds. Only through these conditions do local communities meet their highest civic and economic potential, unleashing the power of all contributions and assets. As places look to harness the wealth and vibrancy that comes from diverse talents and a more global workforce, places that are…

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Stand Together: Messaging About Muslims and Refugees in Challenging Time

In this webinar, we released our new toolkit, Stand Together: Messaging About Muslims and Refugees in Challenging Times. This webinar highlights key areas of the guide and answer your questions about positive communications and engaging your community. Featured Speakers Amanda Cooper, Lightbox Collaborative Claudette Silver, Lightbox Collaborative

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Neighbors Together: Promising practices to strengthen welcome for refugees and Muslims

In this Welcoming Refugees webinar, we released our new toolkit of tips and promising practices, “Neighbors Together: Promising Practices to Strengthen Relations with Refugees and Muslims.” The webinar highlighted the efforts of several communities to counter anti-refugee backlash and welcome newcomers. Featured Speakers Mahvash Hassan, author of Neighbors Together toolkit Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights…

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Neighbors Together

This toolkit provides promising practices to counter anti-refugee and anti-Muslim backlash and work towards a positive vision for our communities. These promising practices demonstrate how: building meaningful contact between diverse populations; positive communications strategies; and engaging civic and community leaders can help create a climate in which all people can thrive. The stories in this…

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