Salisbury sets out to welcome immigrants and build community on Maryland’s eastern shore

As more communities across the U.S. experience population shifts, how can small municipalities embrace diversity and inclusion to become welcoming places for all? For the city of Salisbury, MD, 2018 served as a turning point on its journey to become a more diverse and inclusive place. Known as the Capital of the Eastern Shore, Salisbury…

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Forty-two nonprofit, local government leaders join community of practice to build more inclusive decision-making spaces

Welcoming America is pleased to announce the 42 participants selected for its Community of Practice (CoP) on inclusive and collaborative decision-making spaces. Representing nonprofit organizations and local governments across 32 states and the District of Columbia, the CoP convenes a diverse network of peers working to create more inclusive committees, boards, advisory councils, and commissions…

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Taste of Belonging Cookbook

The presence of food sets the table for conversation and curiosity — two essential ingredients for building community among people who have different backgrounds and identities. Under the right conditions, food can be a positive entry point for activities and initiatives that decrease prejudice between different groups. Welcoming America created this cookbook as a tool…

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A gap in the system: creating more inclusive emergency management practices

Hurricane Katrina, the Flint, MI water crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic. These are just a few examples of events that disproportionately impacted minority and marginalized communities. Inequality in emergency management doesn’t end there, disasters have been shown to increase inequality long after the storm has passed or the environmental contamination has been addressed. Creating an inclusive infrastructure and…

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Vaccine hesitancy in immigrant communities: Your questions answered

On February 17, we hosted a webinar titled “Overcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Immigrant Communities” with experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic, local governments, and more. Due to the overwhelming interest in this topic, we’ve compiled the questions submitted by webinar attendees that were not answered in the Q&A portion,…

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Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations

With the COVID-19 pandemic and greater occurrences of natural disasters, the need for inclusion in emergency management is paramount. We will discuss a variety of topics, including our latest toolkit, which was created in partnership with the I-DIEM and focused on how organizations can develop more inclusive preparedness and practices in emergencies. Our panelists will…

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Overcoming COVID Vaccine Hesitancy in Immigrant Communities

View the slide deck from this webinar here. Additional resources provided by the speakers can be found here. While efforts to administer the COVID-19 vaccine are ramping up across the country, there is a dramatic rise in misinformation being shared. As a result, many individuals and families are hesitant to receive the vaccine, and this…

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Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations

The Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations Checklist is designed to help strengthen existing emergency preparedness plans by ensuring immigrants and refugees are part of any emergency response. History demonstrates that residents of color are disproportionately impacted by disasters. In the Great Floods of 1927, over 330,000 African Americans were…

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Announcing the latest cohort of the Gateways for Growth Challenge

The Gateways for Growth Challenge announces its fourth cohort, forming a network of 71 localities deploying economic research and multi-sector welcoming plans to forward inclusion and economic opportunity for all. DECATUR, GA & NEW YORK, NY – Today, New American Economy (NAE) and Welcoming America are pleased to announce that 19 localities will receive a…

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Celebrating Welcoming Week: A Guide for Libraries

This toolkit published by the American Library Association in partnership with the National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, & New Americans; the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and Welcoming America provides tips, tools, examples, and other resources for U.S. libraries to participate in Welcoming Week. Because libraries play a unique role in helping communities…

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