News & Resources
Standing Up for Welcoming: Four practical actions for local leaders
To help local leaders prepare for an uncertain and rapidly changing immigration landscape, we’ve outlined four practical actions you can take to stand up for welcoming.
Training: Moving From Individual and Small Group Welcoming to a Whole-of-Community Approach
A training to create a resilient welcoming infrastructure throughout your local community.
Championing the Power and Potential of ‘Natural Helpers’: A Guide
Natural Helpers programs recognize the crucial role immigrant and refugee leaders fulfill as informal “helpers’’ in their communities by formalizing, supporting, and expanding their capacity for civic leadership. This guide presents promising practices from interviews with Natural Helpers program coordinators and lessons learned from the Natural Helpers communities of practice convened by Welcoming America. Three…
Achieving the Certified Welcoming Designation Under the Welcoming Standard 2.0
This guide outlines the second iteration of the Certified Welcoming program and the Welcoming Standard criteria that communities must meet to earn the designation of Certified Welcoming. Certified Welcoming is a formal designation for local governments that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion. This innovative program assesses local…
Advancing a Welcoming Infrastructure for Humanitarian Relief
As individuals and organizations in localities across the globe mobilize to support those displaced by war, conflict, and climate disasters, meeting the immediate needs is critical. At the same time, building the infrastructure needed to support and engage migrants and non-migrants in the long term is essential to ensuring belonging for all lasts beyond these…
Cultivating Contact: A Guide to Building Bridges and Meaningful Connections Between Groups
Published in partnership with the Center for Inclusion and Belonging at the American Immigration Council and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, this guide harnesses the lessons drawn from decades of research on how to foster a sense of trust and belonging between people from different backgrounds through community-based programs and initiatives. Decades of research show…
Bridging Language and Work: Solutions to Invest in Immigrant and Refugee Talent
Finding, retaining, and developing talent is a top priority for business leaders today. Refugees and immigrants represent an incredible pool of talent that can fill worker shortages and enhance diversity. Yet, many employers overlook candidates due to perceptions that workers cannot succeed in a role if they have limited proficiency in the local language. Bridging Language…
Career Pathways & Equity: Policy Recommendations
In 2021, collaborated with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and 12 key stakeholders – practitioners, policymakers, and funders – to have a year-long dialogue about increasing equity within career pathway programs. One of the most powerful tools in achieving this goal is policy change. As America’s workforce development system is one where all layers –…
Cómo Establecer y Mantener la Gestión Inclusiva de Emergencias con las Poblaciones de Inmigrantes y Refugiades
“La Lista de Verificación para la Gestión Inclusiva de Emergencias con las Poblaciones de Inmigrantes y Refugiades” — creada en colaboración con el Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management — tiene como objetivo contribuir al fortalecimiento de los planes de preparación para emergencias existentes. Para ello, se asegurará que les inmigrantes y refugiades…
Tips to Build & Sustain a Locally Welcoming Infrastructure
Following the U.S. government’s departure from Afghanistan in August 2021, Welcoming America and a cadre of partners created this toolkit for community leaders managing arrivals of Afghan refugees. It offers four key tips to creating an equitable and welcoming environment, including mobilizing a multi-sector response group; creating a We Welcome Fund; sharing messages of welcome; and changing policy at the federal, state, and local levels.