Q&A with Detroit about new Municipal ID program

Municipal ID programs are a great way for cities to break down barriers for residents and impact marginalized communities immediately in a meaningful way, while also creating lasting, positive effects for everyone.   Creating a welcoming community is about more than getting to know your new American neighbors, it’s also about establishing tangible policies and…

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Five ways a police liaison to new Americans could benefit your community

Boise, Idaho, has a thriving refugee population that enriches the community’s social and economic fabric. This Welcoming America member is committed to inclusion and as part of their mayor’s priorities, has invested in a full-time police refugee liaison officer to respond to the unique needs of new Americans. “Law enforcement isn’t just about making an…

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3 Strategies European Cities are Using to Welcome Newcomers

Christina recently spoke on behalf of Welcoming America at the International Forum on Reception and Integration of Refugees in the European Union, hosted by the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia and the City of Barcelona. This gathering of government and community leaders, practitioners, and policymakers was held to exchange ideas and best practices about integration,…

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White House lifts up welcoming initiatives in Atlanta

Event in Atlanta showcases the city’s progress in integrating immigrants and furthering civil rights and economic development. Two and a half years ago, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed approached me about taking point to facilitate the first conversation about creating a more welcoming and inclusive Atlanta for all residents. The 2010 census had shown that metro…

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This is your America, too

Family history makes welcoming personal In 1949, my grandparents – both Holocaust survivors who had lost not only their homes, but also nearly everyone they loved in the world – arrived in New York City to begin new lives. Of the little they brought with them, the most precious thing was my mother, not yet…

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Rust Best Revitalized in Dayton

When faced with population decline and economic hardship, Dayton made a plan to harness the potential of immigrants to reimagine their community and create a brighter future for all residents. In 2011, the City of Dayton announced a communitywide initiative – guided by the Welcome Dayton plan – designed to attract, retain, and engage in…

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Dancing to a New Tune in Nashville

Nashville is a city that made a decision to embrace New Americans and invest in their community as a vibrant, international hub. The results are music to many people’s ears. In December of 2014 Nashville was recognized as a beacon of hope for the nation by the President. Nashville has not only embraced its rapidly…

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An incredible honor from the President

This Tuesday, I had the honor of flying on Air Force One with President Obama to Nashville to celebrate the city as an exemplar of what a welcoming community can achieve.   Let me share some of what the President said during his speech at Casa Azafran in Nashville:   “[L]et me close with the story of somebody…

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Why I’ll be in Nashville today

Update 2: Watch the full town hall below or go to minute 9 to listen to President Obama speak about David Lubell and the Welcoming America movement. Read the transcript here . Update: We are so honored that our movement was recognized by the President during his visit to Nashville! A special shout out goes out to Mayor…

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A Historic Day for Atlanta

Yesterday at the Center for Civil and Human Rights, Mayor Kasim Reed and members of the Welcoming Atlanta Working Group announced that the City of Atlanta will be implementing 20 strategies that will foster a welcoming environment for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, or place of origin. Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell spoke at the press conference, celebrating the…

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