Reflecting on what it means—and what it will take—to be truly welcoming

In coming months, Welcoming America will be revisiting the Welcoming Standard—the guiding document for communities aspiring to be inclusive places for immigrants and all residents. You can explore the Welcoming Standard to see the kinds of policies and practices that communities should have in place.  We also know that there are many factors that go…

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Announcing Baltimore City & Montgomery County as Certified Welcoming

In these unprecedented times of both a pandemic and national conversation on racism, the need for communities to translate welcoming values into policies and practices that create more inclusive environments is greater than ever. That is why we are pleased to announce the newest additions to the growing list of Certified Welcoming places in the…

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One Region Initiative: Regional Strategic Welcoming Plan, Phase I

As part of the One Region Initiative, this strategic welcoming plan outlines Phase I of creating an inclusive metro Atlanta region that includes immigrants and refugees. In partnership with the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Atlanta Regional Commission, the plan serves as a roadmap for the initiative’s steering committee and Welcoming America leadership…

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The Welcoming Standard and Certified Welcoming

Strong communities intentionally connect and actively include people of all backgrounds. Only through these conditions do local communities meet their highest civic and economic potential, unleashing the power of all contributions and assets. As places look to harness the wealth and vibrancy that comes from diverse talents and a more global workforce, places that are…

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Q&A with Detroit about new Municipal ID program

Municipal ID programs are a great way for cities to break down barriers for residents and impact marginalized communities immediately in a meaningful way, while also creating lasting, positive effects for everyone.   Creating a welcoming community is about more than getting to know your new American neighbors, it’s also about establishing tangible policies and…

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White House lifts up welcoming initiatives in Atlanta

Event in Atlanta showcases the city’s progress in integrating immigrants and furthering civil rights and economic development. Two and a half years ago, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed approached me about taking point to facilitate the first conversation about creating a more welcoming and inclusive Atlanta for all residents. The 2010 census had shown that metro…

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