Welcoming Week Event
September 17, 2022 - 10:00 am
Celebrating International Day of Peace and Welcoming Week with fun activities for the whole family: art show, art activity table, bounce house, dedication of the Rotary Peace Pole, and award ceremony for winners of the Rotary Poster and Essay Contest. The Rotary Peace Pole will have the word “Peace” written in various languages that are spoken in our region. Presented by the Bellevue Family YMCA with the Bellevue Rotary. Event Flyer Questions, please contact Heather or phone 425-990-6972
Event Details
Host OrganizationBellevue Family YMCA
Co-Hosting Organization(s)Bellevue Rotary
LocationBellevue Family YMCA, 14230 Bel Red Rd, Bellevue, WA