Building the Web Towards Immigration Justice
The theme for the event is, “Building the Web Toward Immigration Justice”. We would like a large turnout, but know that 7:30 am is a bit early for many people! We will gather for about one hour outside the Whipple Federal Building which is home to immigrant deportation hearings for our 5-state area. There will be speakers, songs, time for reflection and calls for follow-through advocacy and nonviolent action in support of a more just and loving approach to international migration, and to immigrants in America.
MUUSJA, the Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance, ( is a coalition of 30 UU congregations’ social justice and climate action teams. MUUSJA connects UU’s and allied communities across Minnesota, North and South Dakota, developing collective power to shape a just and loving world.
ICOM, the Interfaith Coalition on Migration, (, holds a monthly vigil at the Whipple Building, hosted each month by a different group or congregation. Minnesota’s Unitarian Universalists (see are hosting again on September 13th, 2022 (hoping it will be warmer than our event in April 2021). Members of other congregations, faith based organizations, and community groups are welcome to adopt other dates for hosting a vigil — recently, Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran groups have hosted.