The Welcoming Standard (version 2.0)

Since 2017, Welcoming America’s Certified Welcoming program and its operating framework — the Welcoming Standard — has served as a roadmap for local governments seeking to build truly welcoming communities.

Over the past two years, we have been working to update the Welcoming Standard. With this update, the Certified Welcoming program is also changing to a new starred system that will certify places based on the tier it meets from the Welcoming Standard.

Below you can review the new Welcoming Standard 2.0 and its tiers. Welcoming America is currently piloting this Standard and certification system and expects to have it fully opened for use in the Spring of 2023. The Welcoming Standard 1.0 is still being fully utilized for current certifications through the end of 2022 and it can be viewed here.

Welcoming Standard version 2.0