Citizenship Strategies to Create Welcoming Communities
This toolkit was developed by Welcoming America and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the lead organization of the New Americans Campaign, to provide promising practices and suggestions to engage receiving communities at the intersection of citizenship and welcoming work.
Read MoreBuilding Welcoming Schools: A Guide for K-12 Educators and After-School Providers
Arriving in a new country can be an overwhelming experience for refugees. One of the first places that refugee and immigrant families have the opportunity connect with others is in schools. Ensuring refugee and immigrant students and their families feel welcome and accepted in their school environments is not only foundational for their academic success,…
Read MoreOne Region Initiative: Regional Strategic Welcoming Plan, Phase I
As part of the One Region Initiative, this strategic welcoming plan outlines Phase I of creating an inclusive metro Atlanta region that includes immigrants and refugees. In partnership with the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Atlanta Regional Commission, the plan serves as a roadmap for the initiative’s steering committee and Welcoming America leadership…
Read MoreThe Welcoming Standard and Certified Welcoming
Strong communities intentionally connect and actively include people of all backgrounds. Only through these conditions do local communities meet their highest civic and economic potential, unleashing the power of all contributions and assets. As places look to harness the wealth and vibrancy that comes from diverse talents and a more global workforce, places that are…
Read MoreStand Together: Messaging About Muslims and Refugees in Challenging Time
In this webinar, we released our new toolkit, Stand Together: Messaging About Muslims and Refugees in Challenging Times. This webinar highlights key areas of the guide and answer your questions about positive communications and engaging your community. Featured Speakers Amanda Cooper, Lightbox Collaborative Claudette Silver, Lightbox Collaborative
Read MoreNeighbors Together: Promising practices to strengthen welcome for refugees and Muslims
In this Welcoming Refugees webinar, we released our new toolkit of tips and promising practices, “Neighbors Together: Promising Practices to Strengthen Relations with Refugees and Muslims.” The webinar highlighted the efforts of several communities to counter anti-refugee backlash and welcome newcomers. Featured Speakers Mahvash Hassan, author of Neighbors Together toolkit Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights…
Read MoreNeighbors Together
This toolkit provides promising practices to counter anti-refugee and anti-Muslim backlash and work towards a positive vision for our communities. These promising practices demonstrate how: building meaningful contact between diverse populations; positive communications strategies; and engaging civic and community leaders can help create a climate in which all people can thrive. The stories in this…
Read MoreSeeds of Growth
Is your community harnessing the potential of immigrant entrepreneurs to spur economic growth and job creation? This tool will introduce you to practical ways to leverage the opportunities that exist when you include immigrant entrepreneurs in local economic development strategies and programs.
Read MoreStand Together
This guide was created for advocates, service providers, and supporters as a tool to address the backlash toward refugees and Muslim Americans, and to help you proactively engage with community leaders and neighbors. Through the messages, sample conversations, story ideas, and worksheets in this toolkit, we will help you develop straightforward yet persuasive language to use in the spoken or written…
Read MorePursuing Health Equity through Welcoming Work
In 2016, Welcoming America hosted its inaugural Welcoming Interactive annual conference that included a panel discussion on “Integrating a Health Equity Framework into Welcoming Work”. It focused on how states and communities could bridge the gap between health equity work and immigrant inclusion. This paper expands on key points addressed during this session, exploring themes…
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