Hosting an In-Person Event During a Pandemic
To keep our communities safe and healthy, we recommend hosting virtual events or events that allow participants to maintain social distancing. If you are hosting an in-person event, following are some questions to consider when selecting your venue or event space.
What are the venue’s policies and guidelines related to COVID-19?
What kind of cleaning and sanitation will the venue do prior to your event?
Is venue staff trained on safety measures?
Will the venue assist with messaging of preventative measures to event attendees?
Will the venue provide handwashing and hand sanitizing stations?
Is the event space big enough to accommodate for social distancing?
If the event space is indoors, does the event space have sufficient ventilation or airflow?
Are you prepared to put a limit on the number of attendees at your event? If yes, what steps will you take for enforcing that limit?
Will you be able to use multiple points of entry and exit for attendees to avoid crowds?
If your event is outdoors, which setups does the venue allow?
If your event is outdoors, will restroom access be available for attendees?
Should your event need to be postponed, canceled, or moved to take place online, what is your plan to communicate this change to attendees/registrants?
Following are other considerations for in-person events:
Check your local guidance
Does your event follow your local guidelines, as well as the CDC Guidelines for Events and Gatherings?
Event Promotions & Communications
Make sure your communications about the event clearly outline the safety requirements that will be in place.
Post signs at the event entrances and exits that list all safety requirements, including those demonstrating social distancing. Consider signs that discourage physical touches and encourage alternative greetings, such as handshakes, fist bumps, and high fives.
Event Size
Be sure to stay informed on the safety laws and regulations set by local leaders, as they may change with time.
All events should adhere to social distancing guidelines with attendees spaced at least six feet apart. If social distancing is difficult because of the size of event or activity, consider asking attendees to register in advance for a specific block of time to be onsite, to allow participants to maintain a safe distance.
Face Coverings
The CDC lists face masks and coverings as a critical step in slowing the spread of the virus, particularly in large gatherings. Make it a requirement for staff and attendees to wear a mask or other face coverings during the event.
Food & Beverage
Proper hydration, especially for outdoor events, is important. If you do provide beverages, consider offering bottled beverages or hands-free water stations. Any food offerings should be prepackaged and attendees should be able to pick them up from multiple locations.
If you intend on providing eating areas, be sure that table placement adheres to social distancing guidelines and seating at each table is minimal in order to discourage large gatherings.
Onsite Supplies to Include
In addition to the standard supplies for your event, we encourage you to include the following:
Soap and water stations (if not already onsite)
Antibacterial hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content
Paper towels
Antibacterial wipes and/or spray
Disposable face masks and gloves
No-touch trash cans
Staff Training
Make sure all onsite staff (and volunteers) know the required safety protocols. Consider using and sharing the CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers.
For more suggestions on limiting the risk for in person events we recommend the Eventbrite COVID-19 Safety Playbook for Events.
If there is consideration to pivot your in-person event to virtual, following are some resources:
Other Resources
artsteps | Make your own Virtual Exhibitions: Online platform that allows the user to design the art exhibit space, upload art images to virtual walls, add video descriptions from artists, guided tours and storytelling. Accessible via Android or iOS app and embeddable link to website
Event Pro Update: Expert insights into the latest in event management
Pivot to Virtual (free registration required to download)
8 Ways to Transform Your Live, In-Person Event Into a Virtual Success Story
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