Bridging Language and Work: Solutions to Invest in Immigrant and Refugee Talent

Finding, retaining, and developing talent is a top priority for business leaders today. Refugees and immigrants represent an incredible pool of talent that can fill worker shortages and enhance diversity. Yet, many employers overlook candidates due to perceptions that workers cannot succeed in a role if they have limited proficiency in the local language. Bridging Language…

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Creative Placemaking & Welcoming: Tips and Tools for Integrating Arts, Culture, and Immigration

In communities where arts institutions also play a role in welcoming, organizations reap the benefits of inclusion as they attract more diverse audiences, reflect their changing communities, and make communities more vibrant. Creative Placemaking & Welcoming: Tips and Tools for Integrating Arts, Culture, and Immigration was created as an entry point and companion piece to…

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Celebrating Welcoming Week: A Guide for Libraries

This toolkit published by the American Library Association in partnership with the National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, & New Americans; the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and Welcoming America provides tips, tools, examples, and other resources for U.S. libraries to participate in Welcoming Week. Because libraries play a unique role in helping communities…

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Building Welcoming Schools: A Guide for K-12 Educators and After-School Providers

Arriving in a new country can be an overwhelming experience for refugees. One of the first places that refugee and immigrant families have the opportunity connect with others is in schools. Ensuring refugee and immigrant students and their families feel welcome and accepted in their school environments is not only foundational for their academic success,…

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Rust Best Revitalized in Dayton

When faced with population decline and economic hardship, Dayton made a plan to harness the potential of immigrants to reimagine their community and create a brighter future for all residents. In 2011, the City of Dayton announced a communitywide initiative – guided by the Welcome Dayton plan – designed to attract, retain, and engage in…

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