Standing Up to Fear: Building a Welcoming America

Fear divides us—but together, we choose welcoming.

In recent weeks, executive orders and policies from the president’s administration have torn families apart, halted refugee resettlement and foreign aid, and cast wide swaths of the American public—including immigrants— as threats undeserving of basic care, safety, and constitutional rights. Lives are being upended, and the harm is real. These policies have consequences.

The Problem Isn’t “Aliens”—It’s Alienation

When our neighbors are deported, when communities are cut off from opportunity and protection, when fear and division become tools of governance, we all lose. These chilling effects are designed to divide us. But we know a stronger, more connected future is possible.

A Different Path Forward

At Welcoming America, we see this every day. In towns and cities across the country, people from all walks of life—both longtime residents and newcomers—are coming together to resist fear, build connections, and reaffirm that America’s strength lies in the country’s diversity.

How You Can #StandUpForWelcoming

  • Access the Standing Up for Welcoming Toolkit: Local leaders play a critical role in reinforcing trust and ensuring all residents can thrive. Our toolkit outlines four practical actions to help communities navigate this uncertain and rapidly changing landscape.
  • Join us at the Welcoming Interactive: In times of uncertainty, coming together is more important than ever. The Welcoming Interactive is a space to learn, strategize, and stand in community as we build stronger, more inclusive places.

The Future Is Up to Us

We cannot allow fear to define who belongs in our neighborhoods, schools, or public spaces. Now more than ever, it’s up to all of us to uphold the values of dignity, opportunity, and belonging for all.

Stand with us. Take action. Choose welcoming.

About Welcoming America

Welcoming America is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that leads a movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by ensuring everyone belongs. Through the Welcoming Network, we work to change systems and culture by providing communities with the roadmap they need to create welcoming policies and share new approaches to inclusion to create an environment where everyone can truly thrive. Learn more at