Response to USCIS Removing "A Nation of Immigrants"
Rachel Peric, Welcoming America’s Executive Director responds to USCIS removing “a nation of immigrants” from mission statement:
Rachel’s statement:
In taking the oath of citizenship, new Americans make a solemn pledge to uphold American ideals – among them, our commitment to being a nation that recognizes our immigrant neighbors, colleagues, family members, and dedicated soldiers as fully American. The removal of ‘nation of immigrants’ from the mission of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service contradicts the very ideals that our citizens – naturalized and US born – pledge allegiance to every day. It also stands in sharp contrast to the efforts of hundreds of welcoming communities across the country that recognize that the heritage each of us bring and our common aspirations as Americans are the very source of our strength as a prosperous democracy.
– Rachel Peric, Executive Director, Welcoming America