Civity and Welcoming America Announce New “Seeding Civity” Partnership
Civity and Welcoming America are pleased to announce a new partnership to offer training and coaching assistance to selected communities interested in deepening work to foster connections across difference. Civity is a national nonprofit founded in 2012 that encourages and supports people to connect with others who are different from them. Working with Welcoming Network members in local communities, Civity will support leaders and organizations seeking to strengthen “social muscle” by creating and growing opportunities for people to build relationships across and through difference. This initiative builds on and expands the Seeding Civity in Communities work begun in 2018 in Louisville, KY, Redwood City, CA, and Hastings, NE.
Civity and Welcoming America have selected four new communities to receive “Seeding Civity” support through a competitive process open to Welcoming Network members across the United States. The four communities and respective Seeding Civity initiatives are:
- Allegheny County, PA (Allegheny County Department of Human Services) – deepening equity work within the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Champaign-Urbana, IL (The University YMCA – New American Welcome Center) – expanding the programming of Champaign County Welcoming Collaborative, a group of community members and representatives of local government, nonprofit organizations, and faith communities
- Salt Lake County, UT (Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office for New Americans)- supporting collaboration between the Office for New Americans and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to build a welcoming community that is diverse, equitable, and cohesive
- San José, CA (City of San José’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Veggielution)- assembling community organizations, including the nonprofit Veggielution, to enable connections between people across difference
Thanks to support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Civity will work with lead partners in each community to connect with representatives of key stakeholders and partner organizations. The goal is to deepen the relationship-building work that each community is already doing and plans to do. Civity will provide tailored trainings and coaching assistance to each community to create and grow opportunities for connection and relationship-building across difference, including differences between newer immigrants and refugees and longer-term residents.
Both organizations are enthusiastic about the new partnership.
“The important work these communities are undertaking is fundamental to the health of our society and democracy,” said Rachel Perić, Executive Director of Welcoming America. “We are excited to partner with Civity on this important initiative, and look forward to lifting up and learning from the crucial bridge-building efforts that will come from these Welcoming Network communities with Civity’s support.”
Malka Kopell, Co-Founder and CEO of Civity, said, “We are delighted to join Welcoming America in supporting these communities and the wonderful work they are doing.”
Stay tuned for updates from the Seeding Civity partnership by subscribing to the Civity and Welcoming America newsletters!