Boise, Idaho redesignated as Certified Welcoming by Welcoming America
Welcoming America, a national nonprofit organization, announces the redesignation of the City of Boise in Idaho as a Certified Welcoming place.
Rachel Perić, executive director of Welcoming America, said: “We are thrilled to redesignate Boise as a Certified Welcoming city. As a place that has invested in making sure that immigrant and non-immigrant neighbors can thrive together, Boise demonstrates its commitment to being a place where anyone can belong, no matter where we come from.”
Lauren McLean, Mayor of Boise, said: “The City of Boise has a longstanding commitment to welcoming and serving residents from all over the world. This Certified Welcoming recertification is a testament to our unwavering belief in the dignity of all people, no matter their origin. And it is through our commitment to each other that we create a city we are all proud to call home.”
The Boise City Council will announce the redesignation at tonight’s city council meeting beginning at 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time at Boise City Hall and broadcast virtually on the city’s YouTube channel. It will feature pre-recorded remarks by Rachel Perić and a presentation of the framed Certified Welcoming certificate.
Boise is currently one of 18 cities and counties in the U.S. with the designation. It achieved its initial designation in 2019. Since then, the city has continued to demonstrate its commitment to immigrant inclusion through staff positions that increase capacity for the work, including a language access manager and refugee liaison police officer. Boise also maintains a well-documented network of support for its refugee population through partners like Neighbors United and the Idaho Office for Refugees.
Certified Welcoming designations are valid for three years. After three years, communities may choose to be reevaluated for how well their programs and policies continue to stand against the Welcoming Standard. Once all criteria are fulfilled, the community is redesignated as Certified Welcoming for another three years.
Certified Welcoming is a formal designation by Welcoming America for cities and counties that have created policies and programs reflecting their commitment to immigrant inclusion. Since 2017, Certified Welcoming and its operating framework, the Welcoming Standard, have served as a roadmap for local governments seeking to build truly welcoming communities.
About Welcoming America
Welcoming America is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that leads a movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by ensuring everyone belongs. We believe that all people, including immigrants, are valued contributors and vital to the success of our communities and shared future. Learn more.
About Certified Welcoming
Certified Welcoming is a formal designation for local governments that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion. This innovative program assesses local governments on their efforts to include and welcome immigrants in all areas of civic, social, and economic life in their communities. With a Certified Welcoming designation, communities distinguish their local efforts, build a competitive advantage, and gain access to opportunities to share their welcoming practices on a regional, national, and global stage. Learn more.