Dancing to a New Tune in Nashville

Nashville is a city that made a decision to embrace New Americans and invest in their community as a vibrant, international hub. The results are music to many people’s ears. In December of 2014 Nashville was recognized as a beacon of hope for the nation by the President. Nashville has not only embraced its rapidly…

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An incredible honor from the President

This Tuesday, I had the honor of flying on Air Force One with President Obama to Nashville to celebrate the city as an exemplar of what a welcoming community can achieve.   Let me share some of what the President said during his speech at Casa Azafran in Nashville:   “[L]et me close with the story of somebody…

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Why I’ll be in Nashville today

Update 2: Watch the full town hall below or go to minute 9 to listen to President Obama speak about David Lubell and the Welcoming America movement. Read the transcript here . Update: We are so honored that our movement was recognized by the President during his visit to Nashville! A special shout out goes out to Mayor…

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A Welcoming Moment

Yesterday, the President announced Administrative Relief, a new program that will protect millions of immigrants from deportation. Regardless of the debate in Washington, where this policy will play out is in our communities. How we respond during this welcoming moment will reflect our commitment to the values that define us as Americans. Over the next several months, communities…

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A Historic Day for Atlanta

Yesterday at the Center for Civil and Human Rights, Mayor Kasim Reed and members of the Welcoming Atlanta Working Group announced that the City of Atlanta will be implementing 20 strategies that will foster a welcoming environment for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, or place of origin. Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell spoke at the press conference, celebrating the…

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Welcoming America Honored in Bali with Worldwide Intercultural Innovation Award

We are excited to announce that Welcoming America is one of eleven organizations worldwide to receive the 2014 Intercultural Innovation Award, granted by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and BMW Group! The Intercultural Innovation Award is given to the most innovative projects around the world that are working to build intercultural cooperation and dialogue, and Welcoming America was…

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White House Recognizes Welcoming America Champions of Change

Immigrants Want to Contribute; White House Recognizes Leaders Who are Helping their Communities Seize that Potential During National Welcoming Week As the debate in Washington on immigration moves forward, local community leaders across the country are recognizing that immigrants make us stronger and are working in their communities to create welcoming climates that harness the…

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Announcing the Welcoming Cities and Counties Initiative

Recognizing that immigrants help maximize opportunities for economic growth and civic vitality and position communities as globally competitive, 21st century leaders, 17 local governments have joined the Welcoming Cities and Counties Initiative with Welcoming America.

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First-Ever National Welcoming Week Shows the Power of Unity

We share the belief that our communities are strongest when everyone who lives in them feels welcome. Our communities work best when we all do our part –  and it takes all of us working together to make that happen.Last month, our affiliates, partners, and supporters across the country united during National Welcoming Week –…

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