As Title 42 expires, an opportunity emerges to build a more welcoming America
As Title 42 ends this week, we urge the Biden administration and Congress to use this opportunity to pursue a comprehensive immigration policy that is both orderly and compassionate, rather than succumbing to fear.
All immigration is local, which means the end of Title 42 will lead to more people seeking asylum at the border and will be felt in communities across the U.S. as they seek other pathways to enter the country. Welcoming communities must send the message that this “looming chaos” is not a result of migrating people, but of an outdated immigration system operating under Band-Aid solutions instead of comprehensive reform.
Additionally, border management alone cannot and will not stop the flow of migration. Throughout history, people have always been on the move fleeing violence, persecution, and climate change. While we applaud the creation of additional pathways for people to enter the country, they remain available to a select few and ignore the rising trend of global migration.
At a time when violence in the U.S. is at an all-time high — from several mass shootings to the car crashing into migrants waiting at a bus stop in Brownsville, Texas just this past week — we must call out any attempts to scapegoat immigrants. We also grieve the lives lost in a particularly violent week in the United States, while witnessing continued violence and war raging in Ukraine and Sudan.
Most Americans want a compassionate approach to migration. The situation we are in today is what results from decades of inaction on immigration reform. It is past time for the Biden administration and Congress to heed the will of the people and take action on comprehensive immigration reform that is humane, just, and true to our American values of welcoming others.
Local communities can prepare for the rule changes and processes. Below are just some of the resources available:
- Toolkit: Advancing a Welcoming Infrastructure for Humanitarian Relief (Welcoming America)
- Toolkit: Local Power to Choose Welcome: Supporting New Arrivals with Dignity (Local Progress)
- Explainer: Newly Announced Border And Regional Migration Policies (National Immigrant Justice Center)
- Explainer: The End of Title 42 Might Be Chaotic, But It Doesn’t Have to Be Confusing. Here’s What You Should Know (American Immigration Council)