Welcoming Week Event
2nd Annual Welcoming Week Event
September 14, 2022 - 05:00 pm
A “Welcoming Week” gathering will be held in Lanesboro on Wednesday, Sept. 14, to recognize new Lanesboro and Whalan business owners, community leaders and residents. The event will take place from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Volleyball Picnic Shelter between the Sons of Norway Hall and the Lanesboro Community Center. There will be a time for community members to socialize with the guests of honor while also networking and enjoying light snacks and beverages.
Event Details
Host OrganizationLanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce and Lanesboro Economic Development Authority
Co-Hosting Organization(s)City of Lanesboro
LocationSylvan Park & Riverview Campgrounds, Parkway Avenue South, Lanesboro, MN, USA
Food and Drink, Other