Global Migration in Our Era of Climate Change
In an era where one person out of every 88 has been forced to flee their homes, the growing climate change crisis has proven to be a particularly harsh stressor. How can we bring together knowledge surrounding this current wave of refuge and move to assist those in need?
In this webinar, you’ll learn how global migration and displacement interact with the growing climate change crisis, as well as what attendees can do to help! Speakers will explore the causes of migration, from global conflict to loss of political freedoms to the ways that global warming directly impacts the need to take refuge. Learning about ways to help advocate for improvements to refugee policy is just one of many takeaways you’ll gain to help resettlement efforts in your community!
- Gregory White, Ph.D, Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government, Smith College
- Andrew Fuys, Senior Director of Global Migration, CWS
- Sylvia Nyamuhungu, Michigan Refugee Community Organizer, CWS
Register for this event HERE.